Welcome to CPE

It is a pleasure to welcome you to Paragon International University Center for Professional Education (CPE). Thank you very much for visiting our website.

We are happy to organize professional education, training, career courses and programs to contribute to you/your organizations' knowledge, skills and experience.

CPE, as an initiative of Paragon International University, provides diverse set of professional education, training, career courses and programs according to organizations and individuals requests and needs. Individually, if you desire to improve your professional knowledge in current competitive business environment, or to learn innovative and cutting-edge ideas and practices; or as an organization, if you would like to add value to your organization's production, distribution channels, marketing, accounting, IT, human resource and finance management; we highly recommend that you may participate our short and long term training programs and education courses.

We believe that you will satisfy your interest and needs at Paragon International University, one of the most prestigious universities in Cambodia.